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Zoology - Section A


Which one of the following sequences was proposed by Darwin and Wallace for organic evolution?
1. Variations, natural selection, overproduction, constancy of population size
2. Overproduction, variations, constancy of population size, natural selection
3. Variations, constancy of population size, overproduction, natural selection
4. Overproduction, constancy of population size, variations, natural selection


Which one of the following describes correctly the hom*ologous structures?
1. Organs appearing only in embryonic stage and disappearing later in the adult
2. Organs with anatomical similarities, but performing different functions
3. Organs with anatomical dissimilarities, but performing same functions
4. Organs that have no function now, but had an important function in ancestors


Evolutionary convergence is the development of
1. common set of characters in the group of different ancestry
2. dissimilar characters in closely related groups
3. common set of characters in closely related groups
4. random mating


The now extinct reptile group that evolvedinto mammals was:
1. Therapsids
2. Dinosaurs
3. Thecodants
4. Sauropsids


Identify the correct statement:
1. Dryopithecus was more man like than Ramapithecus
2. hom*o Habilis probably did not eat meat
3. hom*o Erectus had a cranial capacity of around 800 cc
4. Agriculture came around 18000 years ago


The early-stage human embryo distinctly possesses
1. gills
2. gill slits
3. external ear (pinna)
4. eyebrows


In Miller's experiment, he used a mixture of CH4, NH3, H2 and water vapour in a closed flask to mimic early earth conditions. What was the temperature at which this flask was kept?


The correct sequence of stages in the evolution of modern man (hom*o sapiens), is
(1) hom*o erectus, Australopithecus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, modern man
(2) Australopithecus, hom*o erectus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, modern man
(3) neanderthal man, Australopithecus, cro-magnon man, hom*o erectus, modern man
(4) Australopithecus, neanderthal man, cro-magnon, hom*o erectus, modern man


Which of the following statements is true?

(1) A British scientist created the conditions proposed by Oparin and Haldane in a closed flask with temperature of 800 degree Celsius in electric discharge along with gases methane, hydrogen, ammonia and water vapour and observed formation of amino acid.
(2) Some similar experimental setups were also prepared by other scientists and formation of sugar, nitrogenous bases, Pigments and Fats was recorded.
(3) The processes of chemical evolution were occurring elsewhere in space was concluded by the analysis of content of gaseous cloud.
(4) The first self replicating metabolic capsule of life arose 3 billion years back.


The first form of life were not

(1) Single cells
(2) in water environment only
(3) originated till about 2000 million years ago
(4) Both A and B


Which of the following is from the same lineage as that of Triceratops?

(1) Stegosaurus
(2) Tyrannosaurus
(3) Brachiosaurus
(4) Pteranodon


Adaptive radiation does not follow which of the following statements?

(1) Black bird on Galapagos islands observed by Darwin as an amazing example of Adaptive Radiation.
(2) All the varieties of Finches evolved on the same island, from the original seed-eating features to insectivorous and vegetarian finches.
(3) Australian marsupials, which are similar to each other evolved from an ancestral stock but all within the Australian island continent.
(4) More than one adaptive radiation appeared to have occurred in an isolated geographical area representing different habitats, Known as convergent evolution


Which of the following statements is not true if we consider postulates of Darwinian theory of evolution?

(1) Evolution by natural selection would have started when cellular forms of life with similarities in metabolic capabilities originated on Earth
(2) The rate of appearance of new forms is linked to the life cycle or the life span.
(3) Fitness is based on characteristics which are inherited.
(4) Adaptive ability is inherited.


What will be the frequency of hom*ozygote dominant in a population of triploid organisms.

(1) p×p×p
(2) AA
(3) p
(4) P


Zosterophyllum evolved from

(1) Psilophyton
(2) Rhynia type plants
(3) Tracheophyte ancestors
(4) Chlorophyte ancestors


The flourishing period of seed ferns is

(1) Jurassic
(2) Devonian
(3) Carboniferous
(4) Triassic


Gnetales evolved from

(1) Psilophyton
(2) Rhynia type plants
(3) Tracheophyte ancestors
(4) Chlorophyte ancestors


Which of the following is distantly related among each other?

(1) Crocodiles
(2) Snakes
(3) Tuataras
(4) Turtles


Whenever more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of distribution
curve such type of natural selection is termed as
1. Stabilizing selection
2. Directional selection
3. Balancing selection
4. Disruptive selection


Given below is the representative evolutionary history of vertebrates through geological periods. A, B, C, and D, respectively, are:
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1.Dinosaurs, Thecodonts, Therapsids, and Pelycousurs
2. Dinosaurs, Therapsids, Thecodonts, and Pelycosaurs
3.Pelycosaurs, Therapsids, Thecodonts, and Dinosaurs
4.Theraosids, Dinosaurs, Pelycosaurs, and Thecodonts


In the apparatus of the Urey and Miller experiment, the gases [G] contained in the flask are:
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1.Methane, Carbon dioxide, Ammonia, and Water vapour
2.Methane, Hydrogen cyanide, Ammonia, and Water vapour
3.Methane, Ammonia, Hydrogen, and Water vapour
4.Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Ammonia


Identify the correct statement amongst the following:

1.Monocots evolved later than dicots.
2.Mammals evolved from extinct reptiles called thecodonts.
3.Dryopithecus was more man-like while Ramapithecus was more ape-like.
4.hom*o erectus had a cranial capacity of about 800 cc and probably ate meat.


Theory of spontaneous generation of life was conclusively disproved by:
1. Francesco Redi
2. Oparin and Haldane
3. Louis Pasteur
4. Eldredge and Gould


Change of frequencies of alleles in a population or any deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is interpreted as:
1. Organic evolution
2. Genetic drift
3. Saltation
4. Punctuated equilibrium


The chronological order of human evolution from early to the recent is?

1.Australopithecus→Ramapithecus→hom*o habilis→hom*o erectus
2.Ramapithecus→Australopithecus→ hom*o habilis→hom*o erectus
3.Ramapithecus→hom*o habilis→Australopithecus→hom*o erectus
4.Australopithecus→hom*o habilis→Ramapithecus →hom*o erectus


Single step large mutation leading to
speciation is also called
1. Founder’s effect
2. saltation
3. branching descent
4. natural selection


The chronological order of human evolution
from early to the recent is
1. Australopithecus Ramapithecus hom*o
habilis hom*o erectus
2. Ramapithecus Australopithecus hom*o
habilis hom*o erectus
3. Ramapithecus hom*o habilis
Australopithecus hom*o erectus
4. Australopithecus hom*o habilis
Ramapithecus hom*o erectus


During course of evolution, the land reptiles which went back into water to evolve into fish-like reptiles, about 200 mya would refer to
4. Therapsid


The theory of spontaneous generation says that
1. Life originated from the decaying and rotting matter like straw , mud etc
2. Life came on the earth from outerspace
3. Life comes from pre-existing life only
4. Life started with the replication of self replicating metabolic capsules


Select the incorrect match with respect to placental mammals and Australian marsupials.
(1) Lemur : Spotted cuscus
(2) Bobcat : Tasmanian tiger
(3) Anteater : Numbat
(4) Koala : Flying squirrel


Theory of spontaneous generation was rejected because:

1.It explained origin of first life from non-living or inanimate matter and lacked experimental evidence.
2.It was based on the biogenesis concept.
3.It did not explain about the origin of first life on earth.
4.It proposed origin of life from outer space.


Which of the following options is not correct regarding the early atmosphere?
(A) Oxygen was totally absent
(B) Atmosphere was reducing
(C) Temperature was high
(D) Presence of freeH2molecules
(E) Presence of molecules likeCH4,NH3,H2Ovapours
1. A, D and E
2. A and D
3. D and E
4. A only


The correct statement about the nature of evolution and natural selection is
1. Evolution is a process while natural selection is the end result of a process which is unknown.
2. Natural selection is a process while evolution is the end result of a process which is unknown.
3. Both evolution and natural selection are the end results of a process which is unknown.
4. It is still unclear whether evolution and natural selection are process or end results of unknown processes.


Industrial melanism cannot be explained by
A. Natural selection theory
B. Mechanism of directional selection
C. Mechanism of genetic drift
D. Mechanism of founder's effect
E. Mechanism of progressive selection
1. A, C, D and E
2. A and D only
3. C and D only
4. D and E only


Which of the following factor will not affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
(1) Natural selection
(2) Genetic drift
(3) Genetic recombination
(4) Random mating

Zoology - Section B


In Australia, marsupials and placental mammals have evolved to share many similar characteristics. This type of evolution may be referred to as :
1.Adaptive Radiation
2.Divergent Evolution
3.Cyclical Evolution
4.Convergent Evolution


Flowering plants, angiosperm appeared in which of the following period?
1. Permian
2. Triassic
3. Jurassic
4. Cretaceous


The primate which arose during ice age between 75,000 to 10,000 years ago is
1. Dryopithecus
2. Ramapithecus
3. Modern hom*o sapiens
4. Neanderthal man


The "Use and Disuse" principal or "Theory of lnheritance of Acquired Characters" of evolution was proposed by
1. Hugo de Vries
2. Weismann
3. Lamarck
4. Darwin


There are five factors known to affect Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which of the following cannot be included in the five factors?
1 Gene flow and genetic drift
2 Genetic recombination and natural selection
3 Mutation
4 Isolation


The diagram shown below represents Miller's experiment with certain labelled parts. Find out the correct set of labelling:
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A - CH4, NH3, H2O, vapour, CO2

B - Vacuum pump

C - Alanine, glycine, aspartic acid


C - Alanine, glycine, glutamic acid

D - Vacuum pump

F - Electrodes


A - CH4, NH3, H2 ,H2O

B - Condenser

E - Vacuum pump


A -CH4, NH3, H2O, vapour, H2

B - Alanine, Glycine, aspartic acid

D - Boiling water


Fish with stout and strong fins could move on land and go back to water. This was happened about:
1. 300 million years ago
2. 320 million years ago
3. 2000 million years ago
4. 350 million years ago


Two key concepts of Darwin theory are :-
1. Gene mutation and natural selection
2. Branching descent and variations
3. Branching descent and natural selection
4. Saltation and variations


Which of the following is incorrect with respect to different hominids, their cranial capacities and characteristics?

Hominid Cranial
1hom*o habilis650-800Herbivorous,
2hom*o erectus900ccDiscovered
ate meat
1400ccUsed hides
as clothing
and had
burial customs


On Galapagos island, Darwin observed variation in beaks of birds (Darwin's finches) and he concluded:
1. Inter species variation
2. Intraspecies variation
3. Natural selection according to food
4. Inheritance of acquired characters


Which one of the following was obtained by S. Miller in his experiments on the origin of life before 1953:
1. Simple sugars
2. Amino acids
3. Nucleotide
4. Peptides


In a random mating population in equilibrium, which of the following brings about a change in gene frequency in a non-directional manner?

1.Mutations2.Random drift


Similarities in organisms with different genotypes indicate:
1. Microevolution
2. Macroevolution
3. Convergent evolution
4. Divergent evolution


Genetic Drift occurs due to :
1. Natural selection
2. Sudden population migration
3. Continuous gene migration
4. Mutation

50. Select the correct group/set of Australian Marsupials exhibiting adaptive radiation.
1. Lemur, Anteater, Wolf
2. Tasmanian wolf, Bobcat, Marsupial mole
3. Numbat, Spotted cuscus, Flying phalanger
4. Mole, Flying squirrel, Tasmanian tiger cat

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